Only love

What if there was only love?

What if there was only love that could save us now?

What if there was only love that trumped all the cards?

What if there was only love?

What if, what if, what if…?

How have we, as a human race, reached a point where hatred, fear and desperate disconnection is our M O, modus operandi, and fuels the way we live our lives?

How have we, as a human race, become so fixated on bigger, better, more as our definition of success?

How have we, as a human race, become so familiar with pain, disease and struggle as our identity that we use this to feed our sh*ty stories and continue to lie to ourselves that this is all there is?

How have we, as a human race, lost sight of the necessary need for knowing and living by our core values?

How have we, as a human race, allowed ourselves to fall into the black hole where it’s bleak and where despair and hopelessness reside.

How have we, as a human race, got to the point where ‘I will hunt you down and kill  you’ seems to be the only way ‘I will survive’?

What will it take?

How many more tears do we have to cry?

How many more times do we need to hang our heads in shame?

How many more bridges do we have to burn?

How much more destruction do we have to witness?

How many more lessons do we need to learn?

How many more lives have to be lost before we say, ‘enough is enough!’?

So again I ask…

What if there was only love that could save us now?

What if we realised that love is measured as the highest vibration and frequency there is?

What if we knew love, that when expressed from the heart, is 5,000 times more powerful than a thought?

What if we actively opened our hearts and consciously lived fully expressing ourselves as we know we truly can and as we truly are?

What if we recognised that the highest value that we can live our lives by, is love, and it would heal, change and transform everything?

We have ignored the whisper guiding us to what is possible for too long and this whisper is now calling us loud and clear and we STILL resist ~ WHY?

Only love will tell us why.

Only love will see the unseen.

Only love will hear the unheard.

Only love will hold the untamed.

Only love will free the trapped.

Only love will strengthen the weak.

Only love will find the lost.

Only love will connect the disconnected.

Only love will empower the disempowered,

Only love will comfort, accompany, want the lonely.

Only love will heal our pain and release our fears,

Only love will save us now!

Only love will ignite our courage.

The word courage originates in Latin as; cor / heart.

Only love will awaken your courageous self so you can live in love day in day out because this is who you are at the core. It’s who we all are at the core.

So again I ask; What if there is ONLY LOVE?

Inspired by song ‘Only Love’ ~ Jordan Smith (The language in this piece may be a tad drastic….but doesn’t it feel like that.


Emotional Coach and Founder at VanessaLoves.Life


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